Selected Publications
2023 PNAS
Activity-induced MeCP2 phosphorylation regulates retinogeniculate synapse refinement
Christopher P. Tzeng*, Tess Whitwam*, Lisa D. Boxer*, Emmy Li, Andrew Silberfeld, Sara Trowbridge, Kevin Mei, Cindy Lin, Rebecca Shamah, Eric C. Griffith, William Renthal, Chinfei Chen, Michael E. Greenberg
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2023 Oct 31. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2310344120
2023 Science
The midnolin-proteasome pathway catches proteins for ubiquitination-independent degradation
Xin Gu*, Christopher Nardone*, Nolan Kamitaki, Aoyue Mao, Stephen J. Elledge, Michael E. Greenberg
Science 2023 Aug 25. doi: 10.1126/science.adh5021
2023 Nature
A NPAS4–NuA4 complex couples synaptic activity to DNA repair
Elizabeth A. Pollina, Daniel T. Gilliam, Andrew T. Landau, Cindy Lin, Naomi Pajarillo, Christopher P. Davis, David A. Harmin, Ee-Lynn Yap, Ian R. Vogel, Eric C. Griffith, M. Aurel Nagy, Emi Ling, Erin E. Duffy, Bernardo L. Sabatini, Charles J. Weitz, Michael E. Greenberg
Nature 2023 Feb 15. doi: 10.1038/10.1038/s41586-023-05711-7
2022 Nature Neuroscience
Developmental dynamics of RNA translation in the human brain.
Erin E. Duffy, Benjamin Finander, GiHun Choi, Ava C. Carter, Iva Pritisanac, Aqsa Alam, Victor Luria, Amir Karger, William Phu, Maxwell A. Sherman, Elena G. Assad, Naomi Pajarillo, Alexandra Khitun, Elizabeth E. Crouch, Sanika Ganesh, Jin Chen, Bonnie Berger, Nenad Sestan, Anne O’Donnell-Luria, Eric J. Huang, Eric C. Griffith, Julie D. Forman-Kay, Alan M. Moses, Brian T. Kalish, Michael E. Greenberg
Nature Neuroscience 2022 Sep 28. doi: 10.1038/s41593-022-01164-9
2022 eLife
Characterization of sequence determinants of enhancer function using natural genetic variation.
Marty G Yang, Emi Ling, Christopher J Cowley, Michael E Greenberg, Thomas Vierbuchen
eLife 2022 Aug 31. doi: 10.7554/eLife.76500

2021 Nature Neuroscience
Gabriella L. Boulting*, Ershela Durresi*, Bulent Ataman*, Maxwell A. Sherman*, Kevin Mei , David A. Harmin, Ava C. Carter, Daniel R. Hochbaum , Adam J. Granger, Jesse M. Engreitz, Sinisa Hrvatin , Michael R. Blanchard, Marty G. Yang, Eric C. Griffith, Michael E. Greenberg
Nature Neuroscience 2021 Feb 4. doi: 10.1038/s41593-020-00786-1

2021 Nature Neuroscience
Maternal immune activation in mice disrupts proteostasis in the fetal brain.
Brian T. Kalish* , Eunha Kim *, Benjamin Finander, Erin E. Duffy , Hyunju Kim, Casey K. Gilman, Yeong Shin Yim, Lilin Tong , Randal J. Kaufman, Eric C. Griffith, Gloria B. Choi, Michael E. Greenberg, Jun R. Huh
Nature Neuroscience 2021. 24:204–213 doi:10.1038/s41593-020-00762-9

2020 Nature
Bidirectional perisomatic inhibitory plasticity of a Fos neuronal network.
Ee-Lynn Yap, Noah L. Pettit, Christopher P. Davis, M. Aurel Nagy, David A. Harmin, Emily Golden, Onur Dagliyan, Cindy Lin, Stephanie Rudolph, Nikhil Sharma, Eric C. Grifith, Christopher D. Harvey, Michael E. Greenberg
Nature 2020 Dec 9. 1-7. doi:10.1038/s41586-020-3031-0

2020 Neuron
Lucas Cheadle, Samuel A. Rivera, Jasper S. Phelps, Katelin A. Ennis, Beth Stevens, Linda C. Burkly, Wei-Chung Allen Lee, and Michael E. Greenberg
Neuron 2020 Nov 11. 108, 1–18. doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2020.08.002

2020 Neuron
An Activity-Mediated Transition in Transcription in Early Postnatal Neurons.
Hume Stroud, Marty G. Yang, Yael N. Tsitohay, Christopher P. Davis, Maxwell A. Sherman, Sinisa Hrvatin, Emi Ling, Michael E. Greenberg
Neuron 2020 Jun 24. S0896-6273(20)30437-2. doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2020.06.008

2020 Nature
Neurons that regulate mouse torpor.
Sinisa Hrvatin,* Senmiao Sun,* Oren F. Wilcox, Hanqi Yao, Aurora J. Lavin-Peter, Marcelo Cicconet, Elena G. Assad, Michaela E. Palmer, Sage Aronson, Alexander S. Banks, Eric C. Griffith, Michael E. Greenberg
Nature 2020 Jun 11. doi: 10.1038/s41586-020-2387-5

2020 PNAS
Single-nucleus RNA sequencing of mouse auditory cortex reveals critical period triggers and brakes.
Brian T. Kalish,* Tania R. Barkat, * Erin E. Diel,* Elizabeth J. Zhang, Michael E. Greenberg, Takao K. Hensch.
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2020 May 26, 2020 117(21):11744-11752. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1920433117.

2020 Molecular Cell
MeCP2 Represses the Rate of Transcriptional Initiation of Highly Methylated Long Genes.
Lisa D. Boxer,* William Renthal,* Alexander W. Greben, Tess Whitwam, Andrew Silberfeld, Hume Stroud, Emmy Li, Marty G. Yang, Benyam Kinde, Eric C. Griffith, Boyan Bonev, Michael E. Greenberg
Mol Cell 2020 Jan 16;77(2):294-309.e9. doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2019.10.032.

2019 eLife
A scalable platform for the development of cell-type-specific viral drivers.
Sinisa Hrvatin, Christopher P. Tzeng, M. Aurel Nagy, Hume Stroud, Charalampia Koutsioumpa, Oren F. Wilcox, Elena G. Assad, Jonathan Green, Christopher D. Harvey, Eric C. Griffith, Michael E. Greenberg
eLife 2019 Sep 23;8. pii: e48089. doi: 10.7554/eLife.48089.

2019 Neuron
Nikhil Sharma,* Elizabeth A. Pollina,* M. Aurel Nagy,* Ee-Lynn Yap, Florence A. DiBiase, Sinisa Hrvatin, Linda Hu, Cindy Lin, Michael E. Greenberg
Neuron 2019 Apr 17;102(2):390-406.e9. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2019.02.007.

2018 Nature Neuroscience
Characterization of human mosaic Rett syndrome brain tissue by single-nucleus RNA sequencing.
William Renthal,* Lisa D. Boxer,* Sinisa Hrvatin, Emmy Li, Andrew Silberfeld, M. Aurel Nagy, Eric C. Griffith, Thomas Vierbuchen, Michael E. Greenberg
Nat Neurosci 2018 Dec;21(12):1670-1679. doi: 10.1038/s41593-018-0270-6.

2018 Neuron
Activity-Regulated Transcription: Bridging the Gap between Neural Activity and Behavior
Ee-Lynn Yap, Michael E. Greenberg
Neuron 2018 Oct 24;100(2):330-348. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2018.10.013.

2018 Neuron
Visual Experience-Dependent Expression of Fn14 Is Required for Retinogeniculate Refinement
Lucas Cheadle,* Christopher P. Tzeng,* Brian T. Kalish, David A. Harmin, Samuel Rivera, Emi Ling, M. Aurel Nagy, Sinisa Hrvatin, Linda Hu, Hume Stroud, Linda C. Burkly, Chinfei Chen, Michael E. Greenberg
Neuron 2018; 99(3):525-539.e10. NIHMSID: NIHMS979359

2018 PNAS
Brian T. Kalish,* Lucas Cheadle,* Sinisa Hrvatin, M. Aurel Nagy, Samuel Rivera, Megan Crow, Jesse Gillis, Rory Kirchner, and Michael E. Greenberg
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2018; 115(5):E1051-E1060. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1717871115.

2018 Nature Neuroscience
Single-cell analysis of experience-dependent transcriptomic states in the mouse visual cortex.
Sinisa Hrvatin,* Daniel R. Hochbaum ,* M. Aurel Nagy,* Marcelo Cicconet, Keiramarie Robertson, Lucas Cheadle, Rapolas Zilionis, Alex Ratner, Rebeca Borges-Monroy, Allon M. Klein, Bernardo L. Sabatini , Michael E. Greenberg
Nat Neurosci 2018 Jan;21(1):120-129. doi: 10.1038/s41593-017-0029-5.

2017 Molecular Cell
AP-1 Transcription Factors and the BAF Complex Mediate Signal-Dependent Enhancer Selection.
Thomas Vierbuchen,* Emi Ling,* Christopher J. Cowley, Cameron H.Couch, Xiaofeng Wang, David A. Harmin, Charles W.M. Roberts, Michael E.Greenberg
Mol Cell 2017 Dec 21;68(6):1067-1082.e12. doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2017.11.026.

2017 Cell
Early-Life Gene Expression in Neurons Modulates Lasting Epigenetic States
Hume Stroud, Susan C. Su, Sinisa Hrvatin, Alexander W. Greben, William Renthal, Lisa D. Boxer, M. Aurel Nagy, Daniel R. Hochbaum, Benyam Kinde, Harrison W. Gabel, Michael E. Greenberg
Cell 2017 Nov 16;171(5):1151-1164.e16. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2017.09.047.

2016 Nature
Evolution of Osteocrin as an activity-regulated factor in the primate brain.
Bulent Ataman*, Gabriella L Boulting*, David A. Harmin, Marty G. Yang, Mollie Baker-Salisbury, Ee-Lynn Yap, Athar N. Malik, Kevin Mei, Alex A. Rubin, Ivo Spiegel, Ershela Durresi, Nikhil Sharma, Linda S. Hu, Mihovil Pletikos, Eric C. Griffith, Jennifer N. Partlow, Christine R. Stevens, Mazhar Adli, Maria Chahrour, Nenad Sestan, Christopher A. Walsh, Vladimir K. Berezovskii, Margaret S Livingstone, Michael E Greenberg
Nature 2016 Nov 9;539(7628):242-247. doi: 10.1038/nature20111

2016 Nature
Sensory experience regulates cortical inhibition by inducing IGF1 in VIP neurons.
Alan R. Mardinly*, Ivo Spiegel*, A. Patrizi, E. Centofante, J. E. Bazinet, C. P. Tzeng, C. Mandel-Brehm, D. A. Harmin, H. Adesnik, M. Fagiolini & M. E. Greenberg
Nature 2016, DOI: 10.1038/nature17187, PMID: 26958833
2015 Neuron
Milena M. Andzelm*, Timothy J. Cherry*, David A. Harmin, Annabel C. Boeke, Charlotte Lee, Martin Hemberg, Basil Pawlyk, Athar N. Malik, Steven W. Flavell, Michael A. Sandberg, Elio Raviola and Michael E. Greenberg
Neuron 86, 247-263, doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2015.02.038 (2015).
2015 Nature
Disruption of DNA-methylation-dependent long gene repression in Rett syndrome.
Harrison W. Gabel*, Benyam Kinde*, Hume Stroud, Caitlin S. Gilbert, David A. Harmin, Nathaniel R. Kastan, Martin Hemberg, Daniel H. Ebert and Michael E. Greenberg
Nature 522, 89-93, doi:10.1038/nature14319 (2015).
2015 PNAS
Benyam Kinde*, Harrison W. Gabel*, Caitlin S. Gilbert, Eric C. Griffith, and Michael E. Greenberg
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 112, 6800-6806, doi:10.1073/pnas.1411269112 (2015).
2015 PNAS
Mandel-Brehm, C., Salogiannis, J., Dhamne, S. C., Rotenberg, A., and Greenberg, M. E
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 112, 5129-5134, doi:10.1073/pnas.1504809112 (2015).
2014 Nature Neuroscience
Genome-wide identification and characterization of functional neuronal activity-dependent enhancers.
Athar N. Malik*, Thomas Vierbuchen*, Martin Hemberg, Alex A. Rubin, Emi Ling, Cameron H. Couch, Hume Stroud, Ivo Spiegel, Kyle Kai-How Farh, David A. Harmin, and Michael E. Greenberg
Nature neuroscience 17, 1330-1339, doi:10.1038/nn.3808 (2014).
2014 Cell
Ivo Spiegel*, Alan R. Mardinly*, Harrison W. Gabel, Jeremy E. Bazinet, Cameron H. Couch, Christopher P. Tzeng, David A. Harmin, and Michael E. Greenberg
Cell 157, 1216-1229, doi:10.1016/j.cell.2014.03.058 (2014).
2013 Nature
The activity-dependent transcription factor NPAS4 regulates domain-specific inhibition.
Brenda L. Bloodgood*, Nikhil Sharma*, N., Browne, H. A., Trepman, A. Z., and Greenberg, M. E.
Nature 503, 121-125, doi:10.1038/nature12743 (2013).
2013 Nature
Activity-dependent neuronal signalling and autism spectrum disorder.
Ebert, D. H. and Greenberg, M. E.
Nature 493, 327-337, doi:10.1038/nature11860 (2013).
2013 Nature
Activity-dependent phosphorylation of MeCP2 threonine 308 regulates interaction with NCoR.
Daniel H. Ebert, Harrison W. Gabel, Nathaniel D.Robinson, Nathaniel R.Kastan, Linda S. Hu, Sonia Cohen, Adrija J.Navarro, Matthew J. Lyst, Robert Ekiert, Adrian P. Bird, and Michael E. Greenberg
Nature 499, 341-345, doi:10.1038/nature12348 (2013).
2013 Science
Harrison W. Gabel and Michael E. Greenberg
Science 341, 626 (2013); DOI: 10.1126/science.1242671
2012 Nature Neuroscience
A chemical genetic approach reveals distinct EphB signaling mechanisms during brain development.
Michael J Soskis*, Hsin-Yi Henry Ho*, Brenda L Bloodgood, Michael A Robichaux, Athar N Malik, Bulent Ataman, Alex A Rubin, Janine Zieg, Chao Zhang, Kevan M Shokat, Nikhil Sharma, Christopher W Cowan & Michael E Greenberg
Nature neuroscience. 2012, DOI: 10.1038/nn.3249, PMID: 23143520
2012 PNAS
Hsin-Yi Henry Ho*, Michael W. Susman*, Jay B. Bikoff, Yun Kyoung Ryu, Andrea M. Jonas, Linda Hu, Rejji Kuruvilla, and Michael Eldon Greenberg
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109, 4044-4051, doi:10.1073/pnas.1200421109 (2012).
2011 Neuron
The nogo receptor family restricts synapse number in the developing hippocampus.
Zachary P. Wills, Caleigh Mandel-Brehm, Alan R. Mardinly, Alejandra E. McCord, Roman J. Giger, and Michael E. Greenberg
Neuron 73, 466-481, doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2011.11.029 (2012).
2011 Neuron
Sonia Cohen*, Harrison W. Gabel*, Martin Hemberg, Ashley N. Hutchinson, L. Amanda Sadacca, Daniel H. Ebert, David A. Harmin, Rachel S. Greenberg, Vanessa K. Verdine, Zhaolan Zhou, William C. Wetsel, Anne E. West, and Michael E. Greenberg
Neuron 72, 72-85, doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2011.08.022 (2011).
2011 Neuron
Bhlhb5 and Prdm8 form a repressor complex involved in neuronal circuit assembly.
Sarah E. Ross, Alejandra E. McCord, Cynthia Jung, Denize Atan, Stephanie I. Mok, Martin Hemberg, Tae-Kyung Kim, John Salogiannis, Linda Hu, Sonia Cohen, Yingxi Lin, Dana Harrar, Roderick R. McInnes, and Michael E. Greenberg
Neuron 73, 292-303, doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2011.09.035 (2012).
2011 CSH
Neuronal activity-regulated gene transcription in synapse development and cognitive function.
West, A. E. & Greenberg, M. E.
Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in biology 3, doi:10.1101/cshperspect.a005744 (2011).
2010 Neuron
Loss of inhibitory interneurons in the dorsal spinal cord and elevated itch in Bhlhb5 mutant mice.
Sarah E. Ross, Alan R. Mardinly, Alejandra E. McCord, Jonathan Zurawski, Sonia Cohen, Cynthia Jung, Linda Hu,Stephanie I. Mok, Anar Shah, Erin M. Savner, Christos Tolias, Roman Corfas, Suzhen Chen, Perrine Inquimbert, Yi Xu, Roderick R. McInnes, Frank L. Rice, Gabriel Corfas, Qiufu Ma, Clifford J. Woolf,and Michael E. Greenberg
Neuron 65, 886-898, doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2010.02.025 (2010).
2010 Nature
Widespread transcription at neuronal activity-regulated enhancers.
Tae-Kyung Kim*, Martin Hemberg*, Jesse M. Gray*, Allen M. Costa, Daniel M. Bear, Jing Wu, David A. Harmin, Mike Laptewicz, Kellie Barbara-Haley, Scott Kuersten, Eirene Markenscoff-Papadimitriou, Dietmar Kuhl, Haruhiko Bito, Paul F. Worley, Gabriel Kreiman, and Michael E. Greenberg
Nature 465, 182-187, doi:10.1038/nature09033 (2010).
2010 Cell
The Angelman Syndrome protein Ube3A regulates synapse development by ubiquitinating arc.
Paul L. Greer, Rikinari Hanayama, Brenda L. Bloodgood, Alan R. Mardinly, David M. Lipton, Steven W. Flavell, Tae-Kyung Kim, Eric C. Griffith, Zachary Waldon, Rene Maehr, Hidde L. Ploegh, Shoaib Chowdhury, Paul F. Worley, Judith Steen, and Michael E. Greenberg
Cell 140, 704-716, doi:10.1016/j.cell.2010.01.026 (2010).
2010 Cell
Seth S. Margolis*, John Salogiannis*, David M. Lipton, Caleigh Mandel-Brehm, Zachary P. Wills, Alan R. Mardinly, Linda Hu, Paul L. Greer, Jay B. Bikoff, Hsin-Yi Henry Ho, Michael J. Soskis, Mustafa Sahin, and Michael E. Greenberg
Cell 143, 442-455, doi:10.1016/j.cell.2010.09.038 (2010).
2008 Neuron
Steven W. Flavell*, Tae-Kyung Kim*, Jesse M. Gray, David A. Harmin, Martin Hemberg, Elizabeth J. Hong, Eirene Markenscoff-Papadimitriou, Daniel M. Bear, and Michael E. Greenberg
Neuron 60, 1022-1038, doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2008.11.029 (2008).
2008 Neuron
Regulation of motor neuron specification by phosphorylation of neurogenin 2.
Yong-Chao Ma, Mi-Ryoung Song, Jin P. Park, Hsin-Yi Henry Ho, Linda Hu, Martin V. Kurtev, Janine Zieg, Qiufu Ma, Samuel L. Pfaff, and Michael E. Greenberg
Neuron 58, 65-77, doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2008.01.037 (2008).
2008 Nature
Activity-dependent regulation of inhibitory synapse development by Npas4.
Yingxi Lin, Brenda L. Bloodgood, Jessica L. Hauser, Ariya D. Lapan, Alex C. Koon, Tae-Kyung Kim, Linda S. Hu, Athar N. Malik, and Michael E. Greenberg
Nature 455, 1198-1204, doi:10.1038/nature07319 (2008).
2008 Neuron
Elizabeth J. Hong, Alejandra E. McCord, and Michael E. Greenberg
Neuron 60, 610-624, doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2008.09.024 (2008).